Japanese Holly ( llex crenata) cultivars such as 'Hoogendorn', 'Helleri', 'Convexa', 'Hetzii' Inkberry Holly ( llex glabra) cultivars such as 'Compacta', 'Shamrock' Alternatives to boxwood Boxwood lookalikes with a similar texture and compact formĭwarf Yaupon Holly ( llex vomitoria) cultivars such as: 'Schillings Dwarf', 'Nana', 'Stokes Dwarf' When selecting plants, choose a species that both meets the goals of the project and suits the specific site conditions. Unfortunately, until an effective solution for managing this disease is available, it might be best to “think outside the boxwood.” Below is a list of plants to consider as alternatives to boxwood, ranging from conservative lookalikes to distinctly non-traditional options. For detailed information and updates concerning boxwood blight disease, visit the UGA Extension publications website. In addition, avoid the introduction of new (or transplanted) boxwoods into existing plantings.

Avoid using replacement groundcovers and shrubs from the boxwood family (Buxaceae) such as Japanese spurge ( Pachysandra terminalis) and sweetbox ( Sarcococca sp.), as the disease can persist in the soil and leaf litter and infect new plantings. To combat the spread of this disease, follow a strict regimen of sterilizing pruning equipment and be conscientious of any practices that may transport spores and leaf litter to other sites.ĭead plants should be removed and destroyed. All of this translates to bad news for boxwoods. Additionally, if the proper rotation of fungicides is not carefully followed, it can lead to the development of resistant strains of the pathogen. A regular rotation of preventative fungicides may reduce the chances of infection, but can be an expensive and time-consuming solution. Once infected with the disease, there is no curative treatment. Because of this, certain plants have the potential to harbor undetected spores at the nursery and spread the disease into existing landscapes as new plantings. All species of boxwood are susceptible to the disease, although certain cultivars of littleleaf boxwood ( Buxus microphylla) and Korean boxwood ( Buxus sinica) do not show symptoms of the disease as readily as the dwarf English boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’). The sticky spores of this fungus readily adhere to birds, animals, pruning tools, shoes, clothing, and leaf litter, and can be easily transported and introduced to new locations.

In July 2014, boxwood blight disease was confirmed in the Buckhead area of Georgia and additional samples of the disease have since been identified in other parts of the state. The disease was identified in Europe a decade ago and was observed in the Unites States by 2011.

gardens, this tradition may begin to take a turn. With the dreaded spread of boxwood blight disease to U.S. Gardeners have sculpted boxwood hedges and topiaries into every shape imaginable, making the boxwood a cornerstone of tradition in the formal garden (Figure 1). The boxwood is used as a bold structural element for defining beds, creating interesting lines and shapes, and establishing the evergreen framework that unifies the landscape. The fine-textured evergreen foliage and compact growth habit of this shrub make it an excellent choice for borders, hedges, and topiary.

Boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens) has been an iconic fixture in the garden for centuries.